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How Monash Investors finds Aussie small-caps with 60% upside (plus 3 that pass the test)
Shane Fitzgerald has sat down with Livewire to talk about the outlook form the Australian Small Cap market and how Monash goes about finding compelling stock opportunities. To read/watch the full interview please click here
ASX Tech Sector in lead up to the August 2023 reporting season
Shane Fitzgerald has appeared on Livewire's Buy-Hold-Sell discussing the outlook for the Australian Tech sector see his comments here
Notice to Unitholders
Dear Unitholders Monash Absolute Investment Fund ARSN 606 855 501 Monash Absolute Active Trust (Hedge Fund) ARSN 642 280 331 ASX: MAAT Monash Investors Pty Ltd (Monash Investors) on behalf of the Trust Company (RE Services) Limited (Responsible Entity), announced...
ASX and Monash Investors: Meet the manager (ASX:MAAT)
Simon Shields recently spoke to the ASX about the Monash Investors approach to investing. Hear from Simon as he explains how a background in value and growth investing helped shape their investment thesis, including how both long and short positions contribute to the...
Livewire Article “Finding Opportunity From Inefficient Markets”
Simon Shields from Monash Investors was recently interviewed at Livewire and says the market repeatedly fails to price the earnings potential of ASX-listed small caps. To view the interview please click here